1. Device communication using USART protocol
  2. Fire alert communication system
  3. Industrial safety alert system using LAN
  4. Network based staff caller system
  5. Secure Access Control using WEIGAND RF-ID.
  6. Network based weather Plotting system
  7. Networking enabled Industrial Automation.
  8. Embedded Networking for Industrial Monitoring and Control with VI Interface.
  9. PC-to-PC Wire less Data communication using IR\Laser \ Fiber Optics
  10. Device Control and Data Monitoring through Power Line Communication.
  11. I2C Protocol implementation with RTC, EEPROM.
  12. Wireless Data transfer using RSA Data Encryption Algorithm.
  13. Two wire protocol implementation in 8051
  14. Wireless Data transfer using RSA Data Encryption Algorithm.
  15. Packed Data transfer between two CPU’s using SPI Protocol.
  16. Sony IR remote protocol decoder using 8051
  17. USART protocol based device communication
  18. User data gram protocol based packet transfer with embedded control
  19. I2C based (Two wire controlled) multi peripherals accessing system
  20. I2C based Distributed Embedded system
  21. Message communication between two CPU’S using SPI Protocol
  22. RSA cryptography / Crypto analysis using 8051.
  23. Weigand protocol decoder using AT89S52 microcontroller
  24. Digital temperature monitoring system with I2C protocol
  25. Two wire protocol implementation in 8051
  26. Design and implementation of I2C protocol and RTC based college bell      automation

4th Floor Suryaa Complex,
( Singarathope Bus Stop )
Madurai Road,


#23,2nd Main Road,

Jaganatha Nagar,


